Circumcision Scar – My Foreskin Restoration, Neonatal Circumcision Memories, and How Christian Doctors Duped a Nation
“Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, “Circumcision Scar: My Foreskin Restoration, Neonatal Circumcision Memories, and How Christian Doctors Duped a Nation” is an iconoclastic reveal on one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented, yet religiously sanctioned medical procedures practices in this modern era. While highly recommended, especially for community, college and university library Health/Medicine collections, it should be noted for medical students, practicing physicians, parents, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that “Circumcision Scar: My Foreskin Restoration, Neonatal Circumcision Memories, and How Christian Doctors Duped a Nation” is also readily available in a digital book format.” – John Burroughs, Midwest Book Review
“…a powerful and moving narrative of suffering and recuperation. This unflinching memoir could be a valuable resource for readers researching the negative effects of circumcision.” – BookLife Reviews
“Jackson’s honesty provides a new way of looking at a practice that is rarely discussed. In the end, this intriguing subject is not only brought to light, but also done so in an impassioned way.” – Kirkus Reviews
Read Chapter 1 Now – LOOK INSIDE:
Did you know amputated foreskins are sold to cosmetic companies for $100,000, or that circumcision was alleged to cure brain tumors? It also has a history of megalomania – doctors believed it would cure black men of their predisposition to be rapists, and the more children they circumcised, the higher they’d ascend to god.
Most parents circumcise their sons without giving it a second thought. They have no clue what the risks are because doctors never offer “informed consent” – the legal obligation to educate patients on the risks and alleged benefits of any procedure so they understand what’s being asked of them.
Circumcision facts doctors never tell parents:
- Circumcision can permanently change your son’s temperament.
- Circumcision reduces penis sensitivity and causes erectile dysfunction.
- Circumcision can result in amputation, disfigurement, or death.
- There are no genuine health benefits for circumcision.
- America has one of the highest HIV rates in the world despite circumcision.
Your body your choice – His body your preference?
Read Jay J. Jackson’s blistering exposé into history’s most loathed appendage.
Circumcision Scar – My Foreskin Restoration, Neonatal Circumcision Memories, and How Christian Doctors Duped a Nation
Jay J. Jackson’s lifelong struggle with recurring nightmares led him to discover repressed memories of his neonatal circumcision. He details a compelling narrative about foreskin restoration, medical abuse and how Christian doctors surgically forced a nation into denial about the male anatomy.
After suffering an unrelated trauma at the age of 1, Jay experienced parallel memories that caused him to discern he’d been in two separate hospital settings as an infant, and his inability to reconcile these conflicting memories became the impetus behind his lifelong struggle.
As an adult, Jay sought treatment for erectile dysfunction only to be chased out of multiple doctor’s offices that branded him immoral and perverse for suggesting circumcision is harmful. Abandoned by traditional medicine, Jay ultimately found a cosmetic surgeon willing to help and he endured 2 experimental surgeries to reverse the damage his circumcision caused.
In his 50’s, Jay suddenly realized his recurring nightmares were repressed memories of his neonatal circumcision, which became the impetus for writing this book. He offers an unflinching glimpse into the debilitating mindset of circumcision related sexual trauma – the same debilitating mindset experienced by all victims of sexual violence. He details personal experiences, medical abuse, and the shocking history behind how circumcision became commonplace in America.
Circumcision Scar is an emotionally powerful story – after reading this book, never again can it be said that circumcision is harmless.
Consider reading this book if you’re man enough to learn the truth about what’s been done to you. Take a stand if you value protecting children over an arcane religious ritual. Educate yourself before needlessly circumcising your son.

– Jay J. Jackson
- Contents:
i) Preface
1) Introduction
2) How will your son learn he’s been circumcised?
3) Early Restoration Techniques
4) Attack of the Urologists
5) Foreskin Restoration Surgery
6) Embracing Denial
7) Circumcising Our Imaginary Baby
8) The Final Stretch
9) Faux Foreskin
10) The Prepuce Police
11) How I Remembered My Neonatal Circumcision
12) An Apatheist in a Dogmatic World
13) Cult or Culture?
14) Christian American Doctors Hijack Circumcision
15) Foreskin Fascist
16) The Church of Medicine
17) Side Effects May Include
18) Modern Intactivism
– Notes
Hardcover Available September 8, 2020
Read Chapter 1 Now – Look Inside!
CIRCUMCISION SCAR – My 35 Year Foreskin Restoration, Neonatal Circumcision Memories, and How Christian American Doctors Hijacked “Holy Circumcision” to Dupe a Nation
Available September 8, 2020 at:
Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Books-A-Million, IndieBound, and local bookstores.
Hardcover distributed by Ingram. For details visit, Hookona.com
“…a powerful and moving narrative of suffering and recuperation. This unflinching memoir could be a valuable resource for readers researching the negative effects of circumcision.” – BookLife Reviews
“Jackson’s honesty provides a new way of looking at a practice that is rarely discussed. In the end, this intriguing subject is not only brought to light, but also done so in an impassioned way.” – Kirkus Reviews
Circumcision Scar is an emotionally powerful story about one man’s lifelong struggle with circumcision related trauma – from recurring nightmares, to repressed memories, to erectile dysfunction, to decades of surgical and manual foreskin restoration – after reading this book, never again can it be said that circumcision is harmless.
The inspiration for this book came from an unexpected emotional trigger the author experienced in his 50s which caused him to understand he was being haunted by repressed memories of his neonatal circumcision. After suffering an unrelated trauma at the age of 1, the author experienced parallel memories that caused him to discern he’d been in two separate hospital settings as an infant, and his inability to reconcile these conflicting memories became the impetus behind his lifelong struggle.
As an adult, the author sought treatment for his erectile dysfunction only to be berated and chased out of multiple doctor’s offices for suggesting circumcision is harmful. Accosted by this extreme emotional bias, he was abandoned by a medical community that branded him immoral and perverse for believing circumcision had hampered his ability to perform from his first sexual experience onward. Equating his abusers to surgical rapists, the author offers an unflinching glimpse into the debilitating mindset of circumcision related sexual trauma – the same mindset and debilitating trauma experienced by all victims of sexual violence.
Circumcision is considered the oldest surgery and cult sacrifice of human flesh in history, and it’s still widely performed today. Yet few understand the true origins behind this controversial operation and how it became commonplace in America. Christian American doctors consciously forced this mandate onto a nation and worked methodically to impart their moral dictums onto every male possible, willing or not, plunging a nation into denial about the male anatomy.
Circumcision Scar proves this “meaningless flap of skin” is anything but meaningless. It’s a cultural psychosis plaguing this nation.
Consider reading this book if you’re man enough to learn the truth about what’s been done to you. Take a stand if you value protecting children over an arcane religious ritual. Educate yourself before needlessly circumcising your son.
i) Preface
1) Introduction
2) How will your son learn he’s been circumcised?
3) Early Restoration Techniques
4) Attack of the Urologists
5) Foreskin Restoration Surgery
6) Embracing Denial
7) Circumcising Our Imaginary Baby
8) The Final Stretch
9) Faux Foreskin
10) The Prepuce Police
11) How I Remembered My Neonatal Circumcision
12) An Apatheist in a Dogmatic World
13) Cult or Culture?
14) Christian American Doctors Hijack Circumcision
15) Foreskin Fascist
16) The Church of Medicine
17) Side Effects May Include
18) Modern Intactivism